
Ribbons of Green Trails Plan - 2013-2033

This plan outlines trails from the 1992 Trails Plan that are still to be completed and identifies new proposed trails for the next 20 years. The plan focuses primarily on the needs of commuters and recreational trail users. View plan below:

RGTS Trails Plan 2013-33 Final - Feb 2014 rev.pdf

Ribbons of Green Conceptual Plan, 1992

A conceptual plan for a system of linear parks, pathways and bikeways in Greater Vernon. View plan below:

ROG Conceptual Plan 1993.pdf

Okanagan Rail Trail Impact Assessment Report (May 2014)

This report identifies and discusses the economic, environmental, transportation, and healthy living benefits. View plan below:

ORT - Imp Assess - Final - May 15-R (2).pdf

Middleton Mountain - Regional Trails and Park Proposal

The Ribbons of Green Trails Society led a large group of community partners to establish a regional park and trail network on Middleton Mountain. View proposal and map below:

Middleton Pk & Trails Proposal.pdf
Middleton Map Final3.pdf