
Ribbons of Green Trails Society

The Ribbons of Green Trails Society acknowledges the presence of the traditional, ancestral and unceded land of the Syilx and Secwepemc peoples who have resided here since time immemorial. We recognize, honour, and respect the Syilx / Secwepemc lands upon which we live, work, and play.

The Ribbons of Green Trails Society of Vernon, British Columbia, Canada is a non-profit, trail advocacy group dedicated to the promotion and construction of walking, hiking and cycling trails, both on and off-road within the Greater Vernon region.

The purposes of the Ribbons of Green Trails Society are to advocate for a network of public non-motorized trails within the Greater Vernon area and to encourage connectivity with trails in neighbouring communities.

The mission of the Ribbons of Green Trails Society includes, but is not limited to:

Who is the Ribbons of Green Trails Society?

The Ribbons of Green Trails Society currently consists of 10 directors who meet once a month to advance trail development and ensure maintenance.

City of Vernon staff and Council Members, District of Coldstream staff, and  Regional District of North Okanagan Parks staff are also in attendance at the monthly meetings.

Trail Map of the Greater Vernon Area

To view an interactive online ArcGIS map of trails in the Greater Vernon Area, visit:

- https://arcg.is/iSnWn  

- or click link below:

View our interactive online ArcGIS trail map on your smart phone, tablet, or computer

This map transcends political boundaries and includes trails managed by RDNO, City of Vernon, District of Coldstream, and District of Lake Country.

Ribbons of Green Trails Society does not warrant nor guarantee the accuracy, currency, correctness, and completeness of the information. 

Persons accessing the map agree to and accept that their use of any information contained therein is entirely at their own risk.  

Ribbons of Green Trails Society assumes no obligation or liability for the use of the map data. 

Coldstream Ranchlands Trail

Check out this fantastic new panoramic trail – the Coldstream Ranchlands Trail network

This scenic climb trail on Vernon Hill, above Coldstream Valley Estates, was created by the Regional District of North Okanagan and constructed by Contour Trails.

Located on the traditional territory of the Secwepemc First Nations and Sylix Okanagan People, the Coldstream Ranchlands property is a 126-hectare natural space that offers a 6.3km multi-use loop trail around its perimeter.

The west side of this loop doubles as a purpose-built mountain bike climbing trail to access crown lands set to be the future home of the multi-use Vernon Hill trail network.

On the east side, a more challenging ascent or descent awaits, with rocky slopes above a ravine, providing a scenic and adventurous route. Not recommended for biking. Excellent views of the Coldstream Valley towards Blue Nose Mountain.

The central portion of the property, designated as part of the Agricultural Land Reserve, remains undeveloped and is home to a rich diversity of wildlife. 

To protect this sensitive ecosystem, users are asked to stay on the designated trails. Several wooden cattle gate crossings allow access to enter this protected area.

It’s recommended to climb the loop in a clockwise direction, resulting in amazing views over the Coldstream Valley, Middleton Mountain, Kalamalka Lake, Okanagan Lake. 

The elevation change is 324 meters (1,063 ft), with the highest point at 1,011 m.

An additional 1km of trail connects the Coldstream Ranchlands with the Grey Canal Trail.

A designated Parking area is on Ravine Drive.

The 520m access paved road between the parking lot and trailhead (through the housing development), is for public non-motorized use only.

NEW! Kalamalka Lake Paddle Trail

The Regional District of the North Okanagan (RDNO) in partnership with the District of Lake Country have created a Paddle Trail on Kalamalka Lake.


Fifty-four white buoys have been installed along Kalamalka Lake from Coldstream to Lake Country. The white buoys are placed every 500 metres as trail markers to mark out the paddle zone near the shoreline, and to mark entry points.


The purpose of the Paddle Trail on Kalamalka Lake is to provide additional recreational amenities to the public, promote safety by encouraging non-motorized watercraft to stay close to the shoreline, reduce conflicts between motorized and non-motorized water vessels, and to help encourage motorized boat use away from the shoreline and reduce wake/erosion,” the RDNO says.

Grand Opening -
Upper BX Creek Trail

The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) recently opened a challenging and exciting trail for advanced mountain bikers, hikers, and trail runners. 

With a 540 m elevation change, the route descends 5.8 km from Sovereign Lake Road down to Forsberg Road. This trail project has revitalized portions of the historic Spanky's mountain bike trail while introducing a new scenic lower section. 

"We are thrilled to offer this enhanced trail to our community and visitors," stated Bob Fleming, Chair of the RDNO Greater Vernon Advisory Committee. "The Upper BX Creek Trail moves us one step closer to the dream of having the trail run the length of BX Creek from Silver Star to Swan Lake”.

Parking is currently available at the upper trailhead off Silver Star Road, with an additional parking lot planned for construction on Forsberg Road, subject to funding approvals. 

Users are reminded to be considerate of each other and practice trail etiquette while on the trail.

Culvert Trail under Highway 97 

As you are enjoying the exquisite 12 km Kal Crystal Waters Trail from Okanagan College to Lake Country, try a new connection trail. 

At the north of of Kekuli Bay Provincial Campground, a short trail heads north through a culvert under Highway 97 and travels uphill to connect with Bailey Road.

Be sure to dismount, if riding your bike in the culvert!

Contest Prizes!

CONGRATULATIONS to Brandy, Reta and Ritchie for posting their favourite Trail Photos on our Facebook Page! 

Their names were randomly selected to receive these hand-crafted prizes!

Survey: East Vernon Road - Multi-Use Path

The Regional District of the North Okanagan (RDNO) is requesting your participation in the following survey. Click the link below:


RDNO has retained EXP Services Inc. and GJD Planning as consultants to conduct a feasibility study on a proposed 7 km long multi-use active transportation pathway along East Vernon Road, in Electoral Area ‘C’. 

This multi-use pathway will serve pedestrians, cyclists, equestrian users, and persons with mobility devices (including e-bikes and electric scooters). 

It will enhance safety for users travelling within the rural community to access amenities such as BX and Hillview Elementary Schools, parks, trails, natural spaces, private business’, and the larger designated active transportation network such as the Silver Star Road and 15th Street multi-use pathways.

Active Transportation Report
On October 23, the Ribbons of Green Trails Society presented their comprehensive Active Transportation Report to Vernon Council. The 22-page document provides recommendations for an active transportation network to make most of the city safely accessible by foot and bicycle for all ages and abilities.


The route recommendations proposed in the report are intended to make a substantial and desirable difference to the lives of residents, tourism and the local economy, as well as the future of Vernon as the Trails Capital of BC.


The report aligns with Vernon Council's Strategic Plan and the Climate Action Plan 2021.


To view the document with maps and route  recommendations, click here.

View the 17-minute Council Meeting presentation on YouTube here.

Vernon Matters news article, click here

InfoTel news article, click here

Castanet news article, click here

Try a local Multi-Use Path 

A Multi-Use Path (MUP) is a safe transportation route that is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic, and is meant for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

Did you know Greater Vernon has all these wonderful paved MUPs:

Explore our region car-free; use a MUP!

Click here to view MUP locations on our detailed interactive map.


NEW TRAILS in Greater Vernon!

Several new hiking trails have recently been constructed or improved!

A 5.8 km challenging but exciting trail for advanced mountain bikers, hikers, and trail runners. The route descends 540 m from Sovereign Lake Road to Forsberg Road.

- At the north end of Kekuli Bay Campground, a culvert passes under Highway 97 and meanders up to Bailey Road.

- Starting at the north end of Crystal Waters Road, this 1.8 km trail passes through three ravines and joins the southern end of the Kal Crystal Waters Trail. 

A 5 km separated multi-use that follows Silver Star Road from Pleasant Valley Road up to Phoenix Drive. The path begins with a moderate climb. At BX School, the path crosses to the other side of Silver Star Road and becomes steeper.

A difficult 1.6 km (return) trail descending from Tronson Road to Okanagan Lake, with a 92m elevation gain. Meander along the forested hillside with panoramic views of Okanagan Lake. A rocky beach, benches, lookout points.

A 380m trail extension heading east continues to Davison Road. Includes wooden bridge and roadside parking on Davison Road.

Access from Baker Hogg Road at water reservoir: head north from 7574 Baker Hogg Rd, turn right at trail signpost, drive uphill 320m to water reservoir building parking lot. Continue uphill on winding trail 270m to reach Grey Canal trail.

An easy 0.23 km trail that passes beside Cools Pond with an elevated covered wooden observation platform to view this rural wetland. Great for bird and nature enthusiasts. A beautiful wooden bench has recently been added, carved by Tyler Welfing.

A short easy trail that follows above Canoe Beach (formerly called Sandy Beach) with a fantastic view down Okanagan Lake.

A 2.25 km trail that wraps around the former BX Ranch farmlands, passing Mutrie Dog Park and ending at the BX Ranch Dog Park.

These trails connect to the northern section of the Grey Canal, Coldstream Valley Estates trail.

For more details, visit our interactive online trail map

Shuswap North Okanagan Rail Trail

This 50 km continuous, non-motorized greenway for walking and cycling is to be constructed along the abandoned rail corridor from Sicamous to Armstrong.


“The Shuswap North Okanagan Rail Trail provides a connection between communities unfolding the true story within Secwépemc territory, protecting natural areas and habitat for wildlife, facilitating healthy outdoor recreational activities and travel options on foot and by bicycle, conserving heritage, cultural, and agricultural values, and encouraging recreational tourism in rural areas.

At just over 50 kilometres long, it will create a perfect opportunity for families to discover scenic landscapes with amenities along the way.”


To view an informational video click here


To stay updated on the progress of the rail trail, click here

Coldstream Ranchlands Park  & Trail Proposal
The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) has created a draft development plan for the Coldstream Ranchlands

The RDNO acquired the 126.5-hectare natural area in 2021 to create a passive recreation opportunity while preserving high-value ecosystems for conservation.

Click here to view the Project Description and Map.
Click here to view Development Plan.

Greater Vernon - Trails Capital of British Columbia!

Greater Vernon has a new official title: "Trails Capital of BC".

In 2022, Ribbons of Green Trails Society initiated the project to recognize Greater Vernon as the Trails Capital of BC, to emphasize the multitude and quality of trails in the area.

In 2023, the Canadian Registrar of Trademarks granted the Official Mark.

We are thrilled to see recognition of the years of hard work by volunteers, elected officials, business partners, and government staff to develop the extensive trail network in Greater Vernon,” said Kim Young, director of the Ribbons of Green Trails Society. 

We hope this will encourage and support continued growth throughout the region for years to come.”

Ellison Park upgraded parking lot
Ellison Provincial Park has an attractively upgraded parking lot with many new amenities! Check out the extra parking space alongside picnic tables, trail map signage, outhouses, bike repair station, and garbage and recycling bins. 

Located on the east side of Eastside Road, you can access a network of trails in Ellison Park and connect to the Predator Ridge Resort trails.

Be mindful of construction along the Predator Ridge Resort trails.

McKergow Meadows Park

McKergow Meadows Park on Middleton Mountain has received some recent attractive upgrades.

Welcoming signs from Stafford W. McKergow are at the park entrances on Middleton Way, on Mt Ida Drive, and at 11501 Husband Close.

A modern gazebo with amazing views of Kalamalka Lake offer an opportunity to sit and take in the wonderful surroundings.  

Motivational words are patterned into the table. 

Another park access is at Mt Bulman Place.

New Grey Canal Interpretive Signs

A series of five new interpretive signs have been erected along scenic sections of the current Grey Canal trail.


Discover the visionaries who created this gravity-fed irrigation system.  Learn when and how the canal was constructed.  Marvel at how water was transported uphill without pumps.  Realize how the Grey Canal transformed Greater Vernon.


The signs include numerous archival photos, mainly from the Museum of Greater Vernon, which provide stunning glimpses into the past and bring this former irrigation canal to life.

The interpretive sign project was initiated by the Ribbons of Green Trails Society.  As successful applicants of the RDNO Greater Vernon Trails & Natural Spaces grant, 46% of the signs funding was provided through the grant. The rest of the funds were provided as in-kind donations from volunteers.


Two local businesses, Tambellini Design Studio and Speed Pro Signs were hired to create and install the appealing, well-constructed signs.

The signs are located on the following Grey Canal trail sections: 


Since 2005, the Ribbons of Green Trails Society has been working to create a public continuous, hiking trail system along or near the Grey Canal. This 50 km trail would encircle the entire valley from Coldstream to Okanagan Lake, allowing users to appreciate the significant contributions made by our predecessors. Several sections of the trail remain to be constructed.

Click here to download a Grey Canal interpretive sign Scavenger Hunt to help explore the route and learn about this historical engineering wonder. 

For information on the Grey Canal hiking trails, click here

For Grey Canal history, click here

For an interactive map of the Grey Canal trails, click here

For a Grey Canal Scavenger Hunt to explore trail and signs, click here

Grey Canal 1910

Image Courtesy Museum & Archives of Vernon, Photo 7569

The Grey Canal - From Flume to Trail

A presentation sponsored by the "Friends of Kalamalka Provincial Park society

Held on July 5th at the Juniper Bay Picnic Area, in Kalamalka Provincial Park

Click here to view the presentation

The Grey Canal was a game changer in the growth of Greater Vernon

Learn how it all began:

This presentation reviews the canal’s history and  future - from flume to hiking trail.

The Ways of Water - Stories of the Grey Canal

The Ribbons of Green Trails Society collaborated with the Museum & Archives of Vernon to create a series of filmed interviews about the historic Grey Canal. 

The Grey Canal transformed land use and settlement in the North Okanagan. Now a network of multi-use trails, this early irrigation system brought “water from the hills” into the valley from 1914 to 1971 and once comprised the largest irrigation district in British Columbia.

Learn about the early development and evolution of the Grey Canal from those who experienced it first-hand. 

In a series of filmed interviews, film-makers Ingrid Neumann and Bruce Mol capture the knowledge and recollections of Bob Davison, Peter Tassie, Tom Ouchi and Mas Sakakibara

Each tells a different part of the story of this feat of engineering, and how it changed life in the North Okanagan.

These three films are available for viewing on the Museum & Archives of Vernon website: click here or here

Top 5 Vernon Trails for Epic Views

Tourism Vernon and the Ribbons of Green Trails Society collaborated to promote Greater Vernon's trails

Check out the video and blogs by Zenseekers and Miss604.

Trails Map

The Greater Vernon & Area Trails brochure contains maps and information about our local Lake trails, Provincial Park trails, Grey Canal trails, Middleton Mountain trails, and more. 

Trail access directions, parking, viewpoints, and dog friendly routes are included to help you discover and enjoy our fantastic trails.

Get your free copy at the following locations:

Wheelchair Access

A list of wheelchair-accessible trails recommended by Sonja Gaudet, Accessibility Specialist with Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association. 

Click here for her list and recommendations.

Hiking Trails beyond Greater Vernon 

The Vernon Outdoors Club has created online maps, descriptions, and driving directions for favourite hiking trails located throughout the Okanagan, the Monashee Mountains, and as far as Kamloops and Revelstoke:


Check out our Facebook page! 

We post new trail information and photos.  Click here to Like us, Share us, and add your comments!

Community Bike Map

The City of Vernon has recently released an interactive Community Bike map, which indicates our local cycling routes and multi-use paths.

Click here to access this great resource!

Okanagan Cycling Guidebook

Vancouver author, Colleen MacDonald, has recently published a cycling guidebook showcasing Okanagan Trails, entitled “Let’s Go Biking Okanagan and Beyond”.  

Ribbons of Green directors provided significant assistance in selecting and describing local cycling and hiking trails, providing photos, and “proof-riding” the routes.

The guidebook is available at the following Vernon stores (Davison Orchards, Coles, Olympia Cycle, Good Gracious) and can be purchased online by clicking here.

Proceeds from book sales go to the BC Cycling Coalition, Trails Society of BC, and local trail advocacy groups.

Suggest a hiking trail
Do you have an idea for a new hiking trail in the Vernon area?  Please contact us!

Trail Maintenance

Ribbons of Green Trails Society is not responsible for trail maintenance.  

For concerns and suggestions about trail maintenance, please click on our link below:

Donate a Park Bench

Leave a Legacy.  Click on our link below: 

Contact us
Ribbons of Green Trails Society
#305, 3402 - 27 Avenue
Vernon, BC
Canada  V1T 1S1

Facebook: Vernon Area Trails